Steps for Mastering Exploratory Data Analysis

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Steps for Mastering Exploratory Data Analysis

2024-07-15 05:37:56| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Mastering exploratory data analysis (EDA) is crucial for understanding your data, identifying patterns, and generating insights that can inform further analysis or decision-making. Data is the lifeblood of cutting-edge groups, and the capability to extract insights from records has become a crucial talent in today’s statistics-pushed world. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is a powerful method that allows analysts, scientists, and researchers to gain complete knowledge of their data earlier than projecting formal modeling or speculation testing.

It is an iterative procedure that entails summarizing, visualizing, and exploring information to find patterns, anomalies, and relationships that might not be apparent at once. In this complete article, we will understand and implement critical steps for performing Exploratory Data Analysis. Here are steps to help you master EDA:

Steps for Mastering Exploratory Data Analysis

Step 1: Understand the Problem and the DataStep 2: Import and Inspect the DataStep 3: Handling Missing ValuesStep 4: Explore Data CharacteristicsStep 5: Perform Data TransformationStep 6: Visualize Data Relationships Step 7: Handling Outliers Step 8: Communicate Findings and InsightsStep 1: Understand the Problem and the Data

The first step in any information evaluation project is to sincerely apprehend the trouble you are trying to resolve and the statistics you have at your disposal. This entails asking questions consisting of:

What is the commercial enterprise goal or research question you are trying to address?What are the variables inside the information, and what do they mean?What are the data sorts (numerical, categorical, textual content, etc.) ?Is there any known information on first-class troubles or obstacles?Are there any relevant area-unique issues or constraints?

By thoroughly knowing the problem and the information, you can better formulate your evaluation technique and avoid making incorrect assumptions or drawing misguided conclusions. It is also vital to contain situations and remember specialists or stakeholders to this degree to ensure you have complete know-how of the context and requirements.

Step 2: Import and Inspect the Data

Once you have clean expertise of the problem and the information, the following step is to import the data into your evaluation environment (e.g., Python, R, or a spreadsheet program). During this step, looking into the statistics is critical to gain initial know-how of its structure, variable kinds, and capability issues.

Here are a few obligations you could carry out at this stage:

Load the facts into your analysis environment, ensuring that the facts are imported efficiently and without errors or truncations.Examine the size of the facts (variety of rows and columns) to experience its length and complexity.Identify facts sorts and formats for each variable, as these records may be necessary for the following facts manipulation and evaluation steps.Look for any apparent errors or inconsistencies in the information, such as invalid values, mismatched units, or outliers, that can indicate exceptional issues with information.

For this article, we will use the employee data. It contains 8 columns namely – First Name, Gender, Start Date, Last Login, Salary, Bonus%, Senior Management, and Team. We can get the dataset here Employees.csv.

Let’s read the dataset using the Pandas read_csv() function and print the 1st five rows. To print the first five rows we will use the head() function.

Python3 import pandas as pd import numpy as np # read datasdet using pandas df = pd.read_csv('employees.csv') df.head()


First Name Gender Start Date Last Login Time Salary Bonus % Senior Management Team 0 Douglas Male 8/6/1993 12:42 PM 97308 6.945 True Marketing 1 Thomas Male 3/31/1996 6:53 AM 61933 4.170 True NaN 2 Maria Female 4/23/1993 11:17 AM 130590 11.858 False Finance 3 Jerry Male 3/4/2005 1:00 PM 138705 9.340 True Finance 4 Larry Male 1/24/1998 4:47 PM 101004 1.389 True Client ServicesGetting Insights About The Dataset

Let’s see the shape of the data using the shape.

Python3 df.shape


(1000, 8)

This means that this dataset has 1000 rows and 8 columns.

Now, let’s also see the columns and their data types. For this, we will use the info() method.

Python3 # information about the dataset


RangeIndex: 1000 entries, 0 to 999 Data columns (total 8 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 First Name 933 non-null object 1 Gender 855 non-null object 2 Start Date 1000 non-null object 3 Last Login Time 1000 non-null object 4 Salary 1000 non-null int64 5 Bonus % 1000 non-null float64 6 Senior Management 933 non-null object 7 Team 957 non-null object dtypes: float64(1), int64(1), object(6) memory usage: 62.6+ KB

We can see the number of unique elements in our dataset. This will help us in deciding which type of encoding to choose for converting categorical columns into numerical columns.

Python3 df.nunique()


First Name 200 Gender 2 Start Date 972 Last Login Time 720 Salary 995 Bonus % 971 Senior Management 2 Team 10 dtype: int64

Let’s get a quick summary of the dataset using the pandas describe() method. The describe() function applies basic statistical computations on the dataset like extreme values, count of data points standard deviation, etc. Any missing value or NaN value is automatically skipped. describe() function gives a good picture of the distribution of data.

Python3 df.describe()


Salary Bonus % count 1000.000000 1000.000000 mean 90662.181000 10.207555 std 32923.693342 5.528481 min 35013.000000 1.015000 25% 62613.000000 5.401750 50% 90428.000000 9.838500 75% 118740.250000 14.838000 max 149908.000000 19.944000

Note we can also get the description of categorical columns of the dataset if we specify include =’all’  in the describe function.

Till now we have got an idea about the dataset used. Now Let’s see if our dataset contains any missing values or not.

Step 3: Handling Missing Values

You all must be wondering why a dataset will contain any missing values. It can occur when no information is provided for one or more items or for a whole unit. For Example, Suppose different users being surveyed may choose not to share their income, and some users may choose not to share their address in this way many datasets went missing. Missing Data is a very big problem in real-life scenarios.

Missing Data can also refer to as NA(Not Available) values in pandas. There are several useful functions for detecting, removing, and replacing null values in Pandas DataFrame :


Now let’s check if there are any missing values in our dataset or not.

Python3 df.isnull().sum()


First Name 67 Gender 145 Start Date 0 Last Login Time 0 Salary 0 Bonus % 0 Senior Management 67 Team 43 dtype: int64

We can see that every column has a different amount of missing values. Like Gender has 145 missing values and salary has 0. Now for handling these missing values there can be several cases like dropping the rows containing NaN or replacing NaN with either mean, median, mode, or some other value.

Now, let’s try to fill in the missing values of gender with the string “No Gender”.

Python3 df["Gender"].fillna("No Gender", inplace = True) df.isnull().sum()


First Name 67 Gender 0 Start Date 0 Last Login Time 0 Salary 0 Bonus % 0 Senior Management 67 Team 43 dtype: int64

We can see that now there is no null value for the gender column. Now, Let’s fill the senior management with the mode value.

Python3 mode = df['Senior Management'].mode().values[0] df['Senior Management']= df['Senior Management'].replace(np.nan, mode) df.isnull().sum()


First Name 67 Gender 0 Start Date 0 Last Login Time 0 Salary 0 Bonus % 0 Senior Management 0 Team 43 dtype: int64

Now for the first name and team, we cannot fill the missing values with arbitrary data, so, let’s drop all the rows containing these missing values.

Python3 df = df.dropna(axis = 0, how ='any') print(df.isnull().sum()) df.shape


First Name 0 Gender 0 Start Date 0 Last Login Time 0 Salary 0 Bonus % 0 Senior Management 0 Team 0 dtype: int64 (899, 8)

We can see that our dataset is now free of all the missing values and after dropping the data the number of rows also reduced from 1000 to 899.

For more information, refer to Working with Missing Data in Pandas.

Step 4: Explore Data Characteristics

By exploring the characteristics of your information very well, you can gain treasured insights into its structure, pick out capability problems or anomalies, and inform your subsequent evaluation and modeling choices. Documenting any findings or observations from this step is critical, as they may be relevant for destiny reference or communication with stakeholders.

Let’s start by exploring the data according to the dataset. We’ll begin with Gender Diversity Analysis by looking at:

Gender distribution across the company.Departments or teams with significant gender imbalances.Gender Distribution Across the Company

We’ll calculate the proportion of each gender across the company. ​

Start Date is an important column for employees. However, it is not of much use if we can not handle it properly. To handle this type of data pandas provide a special function from which we can change object type to DateTime format datetime().

Python3 # Convert 'Start Date' to datetime format df['Start Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Start Date']) # Convert 'Last Login Time' to time format df['Last Login Time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Last Login Time']).dt.time df.dtypes, df.head()


(First Name object Gender object Start Date datetime64[ns] Last Login Time object Salary int64 Bonus % float64 Senior Management bool Team object dtype: object, First Name Gender Start Date Last Login Time Salary Bonus % \ 0 Douglas Male 1993-08-06 12:42:00 97308 6.945 2 Maria Female 1993-04-23 11:17:00 130590 11.858 3 Jerry Male 2005-03-04 13:00:00 138705 9.340 4 Larry Male 1998-01-24 16:47:00 101004 1.389 5 Dennis Male 1987-04-18 01:35:00 115163 10.125 Senior Management Team 0 True Marketing 2 False Finance 3 True Finance 4 True Client Services 5 False Legal )

The gender distribution across the company is approximately 57.6% female and 42.4% male.

Teams with Significant Gender Imbalances

Next, let’s examine the gender distribution within each team to identify any significant imbalances. ​​

Python3 # Calculate gender distribution across the company gender_distribution = df['Gender'].value_counts(normalize=True) * 100 gender_distribution


Gender Female 43.715239 Male 41.268076 No Gender 15.016685 Name: proportion, dtype: float64Step 5: Perform Data Transformation

Data transformation is a critical step within the EDA process because it enables you to prepare your statistics for similar evaluation and modeling. Depending on the traits of your information and the necessities of your analysis, you may need to carry out various ameliorations to ensure that your records are in the most appropriate layout.

Here are a few common records transformation strategies:

Scaling or normalizing numerical variables to a standard variety (e.g., min-max scaling, standardization)Encoding categorical variables to be used in machine mastering fashions (e.g., one-warm encoding, label encoding)Applying mathematical differences to numerical variables (e.g., logarithmic, square root) to correct for skewness or non-linearityCreating derived variables or capabilities primarily based on current variables (e.g., calculating ratios, combining variables)Aggregating or grouping records mainly based on unique variables or situations

By accurately transforming your information, you could ensure that your evaluation and modeling strategies are implemented successfully and that your results are reliable and meaningful.

Encoding Categorical Variables

There are some models like Linear Regression which does not work with categorical dataset in that case we should try to encode categorical dataset into the numerical column. We can use different methods for encoding like Label encoding or One-hot encoding. pandas and sklearn provide different functions for encoding in our case we will use the LabelEncoding function from sklearn to encode the Gender column.

Python3 from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder le = LabelEncoder() # fit and transform the "Senior Management" column with LabelEncoder df['Gender'] = le.fit_transform(df['Gender']) Step 6: Visualize Data Relationships

To visualize data relationships, we’ll explore univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses using the employees dataset. These visualizations will help uncover patterns, trends, and relationships within the data.

We will use Matplotlib and Seaborn library for the data visualization. If you want to know about these modules refer to the articles:

Matplotlib TutorialPython Seaborn TutorialUnivariate Analysis

This analysis focuses on a single variable. Here, we’ll look at the distributions of ‘Salary’ and ‘Bonus %’.

Histogram of SalaryHistogram of Bonus %

Histograms and density plots are typically used to visualize the distribution. These plots can show the spread, central tendency, and any skewness in the data.

Python3 # Univariate Analysis: Histograms for 'Salary' and 'Bonus %' fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(18, 6)) sns.histplot(df['Salary'], bins=30, kde=True, ax=axes[0]) axes[0].set_title('Histogram of Salary') sns.histplot(df['Bonus %'], bins=30, kde=True, ax=axes[1]) axes[1].set_title('Histogram of Bonus %')



Bivariate Analysis

Bivariate analysis explores the relationship between two variables. Common visualizations include Scatter Plot and Box Plots.

Boxplot For Data Visualization

Python3 # importing packages import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt sns.boxplot( x="Salary", y='Team', data=df, )


Boxplot of Salary and team column

Boxplot of Salary and team column 

Scatter Plot For Data Visualization

Python3 # importing packages import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt sns.scatterplot( x="Salary", y='Team', data=df, hue='Gender', size='Bonus %') # Placing Legend outside the Figure plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc=2)


Scatter plot of salary and Team column

Scatter plot of salary and Team column

Multivariate Analysis

Multivariate analysis involves examining the relationships among three or more variables. Some common methods include:

Pair Plots: To visualize pairwise relationships across several variables at once.Heatmaps: Particularly useful for showing the correlation matrix between numerical variables.Faceted Grids: Allow you to explore data across many dimensions and are particularly useful for understanding the interaction effects among variables.

For Now, we will use pairplot()method of the seaborn module. We can also use it for the multiple pairwise bivariate distributions in a dataset.

Python3 # importing packages import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt sns.pairplot(df, hue='Gender', height=2)


Pairplot of columns of dataframe

Pairplot of columns of dataframe

Step 7: Handling Outliers

An Outlier is a data item/object that deviates significantly from the rest of the (so-called normal)objects. They can be caused by measurement or execution errors. The analysis for outlier detection is referred to as outlier mining. There are many ways to detect outliers, and the removal process of these outliers from the dataframe is the same as removing a data item from the panda’s dataframe.

To handle outliers effectively, we need to identify them in key numerical variables that could significantly impact our analysis. For this dataset, we’ll focus on ‘Salary’ and ‘Bonus %’ as these are critical financial metrics.

We’ll use the Interquartile Range (IQR) method to identify outliers in these variables. The IQR method is robust as it defines outliers based on the statistical spread of the data.

Python3 import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Calculate IQR for Salary and Bonus % Q1_salary = df['Salary'].quantile(0.25) Q3_salary = df['Salary'].quantile(0.75) IQR_salary = Q3_salary - Q1_salary Q1_bonus = df['Bonus %'].quantile(0.25) Q3_bonus = df['Bonus %'].quantile(0.75) IQR_bonus = Q3_bonus - Q1_bonus # Define outliers outliers_salary = df[(df['Salary'] (Q3_salary + 1.5 * IQR_salary))] outliers_bonus = df[(df['Bonus %'] (Q3_bonus + 1.5 * IQR_bonus))] # Plotting boxplots fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(18, 6)) sns.boxplot(x=df['Salary'], ax=axes[0]) axes[0].set_title('Boxplot of Salary') sns.boxplot(x=df['Bonus %'], ax=axes[1]) axes[1].set_title('Boxplot of Bonus %') # Show the plots # Display the number of outliers detected outliers_salary.shape[0], outliers_bonus.shape[0]



For removing the outlier, one must follow the same process of removing an entry from the dataset using its exact position in the dataset because in all the above methods of detecting the outliers end result is the list of all those data items that satisfy the outlier definition according to the method used.

For more information, refer Detect and Remove the Outliers using Python

Step 8: Communicate Findings and Insights

The final step in the EDA technique is effectively discussing your findings and insights. This includes summarizing your evaluation, highlighting fundamental discoveries, and imparting your outcomes cleanly and compellingly.

Here are a few hints for effective verbal exchange:

Clearly state the targets and scope of your analysisProvide context and heritage data to assist others in apprehending your approachUse visualizations and photos to guide your findings and make them more reachableHighlight critical insights, patterns, or anomalies discovered for the duration of the EDA mannerDiscuss any barriers or caveats related to your analysisSuggest ability next steps or areas for additional investigation

Effective conversation is critical for ensuring that your EDA efforts have a meaningful impact and that your insights are understood and acted upon with the aid of stakeholders.


Exploratory Data Analysis is a powerful and vital technique for gaining deep information about your records earlier than venture formal modeling or speculation testing. By following the seven steps mentioned in this newsletter – knowing how the problem and information, uploading and inspecting the information, managing missing information, exploring data traits, appearing data transformation, visualizing data relationships, and communicating findings and insights – you may free up the whole potential of your records and extract valuable insights that could pressure informed decision-making.

Mastering EDA requires technical skills, analytical wandering, and powerful communique talents. As you exercise and refine your EDA abilities, you become more ready to tackle complicated facts and demanding situations and uncover insights that can offer an aggressive edge for your agency.

FAQ’s1. What are the critical steps of the EDA procedure?

The critical steps within the Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) procedure consist of know-how of the hassle and information, uploading and analyzing the statistics, handling missing records, exploring statistics characteristics (distributions, vital tendency, variability), performing data variations, visualizing facts relationships, and communicating findings and insights.

2. How does EDA help in feature engineering?

EDA plays an important role in feature engineering by supplying insights into the relationships and styles between variables within the information.

Through visualizations and statistical summaries, analysts can become aware of new features or differences that would enhance the overall performance of machine studying fashions. EDA also enables detecting and addressing problems like multicollinearity, which may affect characteristic choice and model performance.

3. What are some unusual information visualization strategies utilized in EDA?

Some not-unusual data visualization techniques utilized in EDA consist of:

Histograms and density plots for exploring variable distributionsScatter plots for visualizing relationships between numerical variablesBox plots and violin plots for evaluating distributions throughout classesHeat maps and correlation matrices for assessing variable correlationsLine plots for visualizing trends over time or sequences

Interactive visualizations and dashboards can also help explore facts from more than one view at some stage in EDA.

4. How do you manage imbalanced facts at some point in EDA?

Imbalanced data, in which one class or category is substantially underrepresented compared to others, can pose challenges in EDA and subsequent modeling.

During EDA, it’s essential to discover and quantify the diploma of imbalance and explore the traits of minority and majority training. Techniques like oversampling, undersampling, or producing synthetic facts may address the imbalance. However, their effect should be cautiously evaluated during EDA.

5. What are a few unusual pitfalls to keep away from throughout EDA?

Some common pitfalls to keep away from at some point in EDA consist of the following:

Making untimely assumptions about the records without thorough explorationFailing to cope with missing data or outliers correctlyOverlooking crucial variable relationships or patternsApplying inappropriate modifications or encodings to the informationConcluding visualizations or summaries without the proper statistical testingNeglecting to document the EDA method and choices made

Maintaining a curious and open-minded approach, being aware of obstacles, and frequently validating assumptions can assist in mitigating those pitfalls and ensure EDA manners.


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